Thursday, May 26, 2011

Question Everything?

I have had times that my questions threatened people.  Just asking a question or exploring a topic frightened them, because they were afraid of what the answer might bring.

Are there questions that shouldn't be asked?  Are there questions that are so dangerous that they would cause the downfall of the world?  Or of a personal world?  Should we ever be afraid of questions, or of finding out the truth?

Is there a wrong time for certain questions?  Perhaps all questions are good at certain times, but not others?  Is there ever a time in our lives that we can stop asking questions-- not because we know everything (that's not possible), but because discovering truth won't benefit us anymore?

Do questions always lead to truth?  Is there a kind of question that leads to a false conclusion, just by asking it?  Is it better to ask questions or to make statements of truth, assuming we know it?  

Can we ask questions which uses a lot of time in deliberation when our time could be better spent doing something else?

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