Friday, May 27, 2011

What Is Death?

Some have claimed that death enhances the meaning of life.  However, if humans are simply animals, then why should our deaths have any greater meaning than other animals?  Does the certainty of death encourage us to live better or to simply frighten us, causing us to desperately cling to life?

Is death an unassailable mystery, or is there some way to break through the barrier, to catch glimpses of death? Is death simply cessation of being, or is there a part of us that never dies?  What would be the nature of that aspect? Is it simply other people's memories, whatever physical presence we have left?  Or is there a non-corporeal essence that will exist after our bodies cease functioning?

Is there any possibility to reverse death, to have a second chance at life?  And if there is, and we are convinced at another life, do we live differently than those who believe that our complete existence ends at death?

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